MY ROLE: Writing and artwork. 


This here is a fan comic I made during a 2015's 24-hour comic day. "A 24-hour comic is a 24-page comic book written, drawn, and completed in 24 hours. Cartoonist Scott McCloud came up with the challenge in 1990 as a creative exercise for himself and fellow comics artist Stephen R. Bissette. Beginning in 2004, writer Nat Gertler helped popularize the form by organizing annual 24 Hour Comics Days (usually held in October), which now take place regularly in the United States and many other countries worldwide."- Wikipedia. I wasn't able to make it to 24 pages obviously, but I got this done on full sized 11x17 pages, fully inked and ink washed. I replaced some of the text later using one of them fancy computer thingies, but that's the only cheating I did. I want to finish this comic during next years 24- hour comic day for sure. If you want a copy of this short comic, I'm basically only charging the amount it cost to make and ship it, seeing as how it's a fan comic, and probably very illegal for me to make any money off of. Check it out in the store if you're interested!
